The Differences Between Whey Concentrate, Isolate, and Plant Proteins

Snap Supplements March 08, 2021 7 read


Protein is a vital nutrient for everyone, especially for those trying to keep a lean muscle mass. 


Protein helps suppress your appetite while trying to cut fat and build muscle strength and size


Further still, protein enhances performance and helps muscles recover after a strenuous workout. 


It can be hard to ingest enough protein to make a real difference without keeping a steak at the ready for every meal.


For this reason, most physically active individuals looking to change their body composition will supplement with protein powder. 


Looking at the available types of protein powder on the market, you may have difficulty finding the right one for you.


Let’s examine the evidence of each type, protein concentrate vs. isolate and compare their efficacy. We’ll also consider plant protein as a viable alternative.


What is Whey Protein?


Whey protein comes from dairy cows’ milk. The process of making whey protein powder uses the same methods as the cheesemaking process. 


Whey forms when milk undergoes a process separating its casein, carbohydrates, and fat components. 


Have you seen the clear liquid that gathers at the top of a tub of yogurt? That is pure whey. This liquid then undergoes a drying process that turns it into a powder. 


This powder is added to protein shakes, protein bars, and other snacks that contain whey.



What are the Benefits of Whey Protein?


The benefits of supplementing with whey protein are numerous. Many of them are because whey is such a high-quality protein easily used by the human body.


Here are the main benefits you will reap if you consume whey protein:

It Contains All Nine Essential Amino Acids


Whey is one of the only proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids that your body needs to function. 


These include the big three BCAAs, or branched-chain amino acids; leucine, valine, and isoleucine. 


While there are many proteins to choose from, few contain all these amino acids.

It Maximizes Muscle Protein Synthesis


One of the most sought after-effects of whey protein is its ability to promote muscle growth. 


It does this so well because whey maximizes protein synthesis into a form that can be utilized by muscular cells.


Whey is known as the primary form of protein to use if you are looking for an increase in muscle mass and strength. 



Helps You Lose Weight


Whey protein is also known to help you lose weight and reduce body fat. It does this in three different ways.


First, whey protein increases fat loss when used as part of a diet to build lean muscle mass. 


Second, the consumption of whey protein also acts as an appetite suppressant. This results in fewer calories, leading to weight loss if you expend more energy than you consume. 


The third and final way that whey protein helps you lose weight is by boosting your metabolism to burn more calories, even as you rest. 


This is partly from the increase in muscle mass that you gain from the protein content in whey. Muscles always burn more calories to maintain. When you have a high muscle mass in your body, your metabolism will naturally be higher.


Boosts Antioxidant Activity


Glutathione is a vital antioxidant that helps fight oxidative stress in the body. To produce glutathione, the body needs a healthy supply of cysteine. 


Whey protein has high cysteine levels to help with glutathione production, which helps combat free radicals left in the wake of oxidative stress.


Oxidative stress is an ever-present problem that we need to combat to remain healthy. Whey protein intake helps with this fight.


It is Easily Absorbed by the Body


With all of the possible benefits you reap from using whey protein powder, it would all be for nothing if you had a hard time digesting it. After all, the idea behind consuming whey protein powder is to absorb the nutrients it brings to your body. 


Luckily, whey protein is one of the most easily absorbed forms of protein available. 


This not only allows for your body to benefit from the contents but amplifies its potential benefits with a higher saturation into the body. 



Improve Sleep, Mood, and Energy Levels


Whey protein provides even more health benefits than merely sculpting a stronger, better-looking body.


Whey protein helps to improve your quality of life as a whole.


The amino acids in whey help release serotonin into the body and, more importantly, into the brain. Serotonin is an endorphin that gives you a sunnier outlook on life. 


Have you been struggling with a bout of depression? Do you need a little help to kick the blues?


Whey protein can help.


Whey protein may also help increase the amount of time you spend in REM sleep. 


REM is the sleep cycle that your brain undergoes the most stimulation. This is the phase of your sleep that you dream, and it may help improve learning, memory, and overall mood. 


Lower Blood Pressure


Harvard Health shared the findings of one study done on the effects of whey protein on blood pressure. The research showed that daily consumption of whey protein could lower cholesterol and blood pressure by two to three points. 


With high blood pressure being a real problem among Americans, this health benefit boosts the nutritional value of whey protein significantly.



Speed Up Post Workout Recovery


For many people, muscle soreness can keep them from revisiting the gym for a few days after a hard workout. 


Supplementing with whey protein post-workout can reduce this effect. Whey protein keeps short-term inflammation at bay by blocking C-reactive proteins, which cause inflammation. 


By keeping this inflammation in the muscles down, whey protein can help you get back to your workouts and make even more progress in your fitness goals. 


It’s Convenient and Easy to Use


In the world of supplementation, many products can be challenging to use and take a lot of preparation. Not so with whey protein powder.


Whey protein shakes are portable. You can bring it with you when you are in a hurry to get to work and drink it on the way.


To prepare a delicious protein shake, you just scoop and stir or shake. There are even unique protein shaker devices that help break up clumps in the protein powder. 


Supplement companies are always inventing new and fun flavors of protein powder to meet any taste preference. Imagine drinking a shake that tastes like a cinnamon bun or chocolate-covered strawberry. You’d look forward to it!


Protein powder isn’t tricky to purchase. It can be found in most stores and is affordable for almost every budget. 


Whey Protein Concentrate vs. Isolate: What’s the Difference?

There is more than one form of whey protein. Whey concentrate and whey isolate are the two most common forms of whey. What makes these forms of whey unique from each other, and which is the best type to use?


Let’s discuss those very questions. 



Whey Protein Concentrate in the Making


Whey protein concentrate undergoes several processes to filter out all the extra ingredients until it reaches 80% protein, 20% fat, and a little sugar.


One of the most significant differences when comparing whey protein concentrate vs isolate is that concentrate contains higher levels of milk-derived nutrients.


These include growth factors, lactoferrin, and CLA. Concentrate will also contain more antioxidants such as phospholipids, lipids, and immunoglobulins.


Whey Protein Isolate in the Making


To make whey protein isolate, whey concentrate is taken and undergoes extra processes to remove carbohydrates, fat, lactose content, and some minerals and heavy metals that are dangerous.


This process is called cold filtration.


It creates a product that is almost pure protein. Whey protein isolate has a higher protein density than concentrate, becoming about 90-95 percent protein.


Due to the reduction in carbs, fat, and sugar, whey protein isolate also has fewer calories per scoop. This can be a big draw for people who are trying to restrict their calorie intake. 


Whey protein isolate also contains a higher concentration of BCAAs than whey concentrate.


Whey Protein Isolate vs. Concentrate: Which is Best for You?


When reading the benefits of both proteins, you may be wondering which you should use. 


Both proteins are great for muscle building and strength, but there are critical differences between them that make them a perfect match for specific situations.


Whey Protein Concentrate


The concentrate is the cheaper of the two proteins. This makes it budget-friendly for those who want to be thrifty.


Still, it’s essential to look for the purest form when purchasing whey protein concentrate. Always read the labels carefully.


Whey protein concentrate is also known as having a better taste since it still has much of its fat and sugar content intact. If you are a picky eater, this choice is best for you.


Whey protein concentrate is also a better choice for creating meal replacement shakes since it contains more than one macronutrient. This is closer to a whole food than a protein isolate.



Whey Protein Isolate


Due to the purity of the product, protein isolate has fewer calories and has less fat. This is undoubtedly the best choice for those who are looking to lose weight.


Whey protein isolate is also best for those who are lactose intolerant or can’t eat dairy products. Their bodies can’t digest the enzymes in lactose, and they deal with digestive issues as a result. Whey protein isolate does not pose this problem.


If you are on a low carb or keto diet, whey protein isolate will be your best bet.


Whey Protein Blend


Some whey protein powders are a combination of concentrate, isolate, and other proteins (egg, milk, etc.)


Avoid these as you don’t know how much of each they contain and are probably mostly the cheapest kind of protein for profitability. 


If you happen to find a whey protein blend that clearly states the contents and ratio of proteins, it might be an adequate product if you want the best of both worlds. 



What About Plant Protein?

There is still one significant form of protein that we haven’t yet discussed; plant protein. While many people consider plant protein inferior, there are many benefits that come from choosing a plant-based protein. 


Benefits of Plant Protein


While plant protein may lack a few amino acids and isn’t a complete protein, it contains many more vitamins and minerals than animal proteins.


You can also create a complete protein by combining two different plant protein sources. Take, for example, the perfect pair; rice and beans. 


These two plant-based foods contain protein, and what one plant lacks, the other has. Together, they provide you with all nine essential amino acids. 



What’s more, plant protein is just as effective as whey in improving muscle mass and fat loss.


The production of plant protein is also better for the environment. Dairy farms release high methane levels into the air, while pea farms replace nutrients in the soil.


Read more on why plant-based proteins can be the best choice for you here


Who Should Take Plant Protein


The prominent groups of people who would want to use plant proteins are vegetarians and vegans. They wouldn’t be able to use whey protein supplements. 


Another group that would benefit from plant protein is those who have digestive, kidney, or liver issues. Whey enzymes are hard to digest, a process that would put undue stress on these organs.


Plant protein is also another excellent choice for those who are lactose intolerant. Those who have other allergies would be happy to know that plant protein is allergy-free.


Since plant protein contains many more vitamins and minerals, it is the perfect choice for those who want to improve their diet quality.

As the data shows, there is little difference one would see whether using whey concentrate or whey isolate. 


A more sincere question to ask is why not use plant protein instead?


Plant protein can also deliver everything that animal protein can without the extra dangers on the digestive system. Plant protein also provides more benefits for your health overall.


It’s time to challenge the traditional view that animal-derived proteins are of the highest quality and give plant protein their due.


Check out SNAP’s plant-based protein. It is made with quality ingredients and provides an extra boost of nitric oxide, which will improve circulation and increase your energy levels. 

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