The Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract

Snap Supplements June 14, 2021 7 read

So, you’ve probably heard how chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease and cancer are rare in Mediterranean populations — and how it’s because of the wonderful health benefits of olive leaf extract.  


If you’re wondering if that’s really true, you’re in for a treat because we’re about to discuss how olive leaf extract works and what science says about its health benefits.


What is olive leaf extract?


Olive leaf extract is a concentrate derived from olive leaves. Yes, the same leaves that give us olive oil. 


It’s used as a supplement (e.g., tea, tincture, or tablets) and has been shown to have widespread beneficial effects on human health.


How does it work?


Olive leaf extract works by replenishing our bodies with antioxidants. Antioxidants help you fight the harmful chemicals (like hydrogen peroxide) that are generated from interactions with microorganisms as well as background radiation and sunlight.


If not for antioxidants, these reactive chemicals can damage your cells and the DNA inside them, leading to a wide range of health conditions, including cancer. 


While your body has many natural antioxidants, when you take olive leaf extract, you help your body fight against cellular and DNA damage even better. 


Oleuropein is the major antioxidant found in olive leaf extract, and in addition to its antioxidant properties, it has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties. This makes it a very powerful molecule, having a wide range of health benefits. So let’s discuss them now.



What are the health benefits?


Olive leaf extract is known to be good for your heart. It helps in 2 major ways:


First, oleuropein has been shown to reduce LDL (or the bad cholesterol). This was supported by a study where scientists administered olive leaf extract to rats for 8 weeks and found their cholesterol levels to be significantly reduced at the end of the experiment.


When LDL accumulates in your blood vessels, their lumens become narrowed and the blood flow gets compromised. 


Reduced blood flow to the heart is what leads to a heart attack (and stroke). So by reducing your bad cholesterol, olive leaf extract can potentially save you from both these conditions. 


In another study, olive oil extract was found to be helpful in restoring abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) back to normal. But you probably shouldn’t take it for this benefit as more research is needed, and if you suffer from abnormal heart rhythms, your doctor may prescribe you medicines.


And second, olive leaf extract has been shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressures, according to this study.


High blood pressure (or hypertension) makes the heart pump against greater resistance, causing abnormal growth of its muscle. When heart muscle enlarges abnormally, it’s more prone to heart attacks and pumps blood inefficiently, causing heart failure. 



Keeps your blood sugar under control


Olive leaf extract has been shown to have direct and indirect effects on blood sugar. One study found lowered average blood glucose levels in people who took olive leaf extract tablets. 


Other studies have shown that the extract improves insulin secretion by the pancreas, helping the body deal better with type 2 diabetes.


You should note that hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. So this is another way olive leaf extract saves you from heart disease.


Another way it prevents type 2 diabetes is by regulating weight. Reducing appetite and preventing calorie-induced obesity are two ways olive leaf extract has been shown to prevent weight gain (and thus, diabetes).


Olive leaf extract may reduce cancer risk


This makes sense because one reason for cancer is DNA damage from harmful chemicals. Since oleuropein in olive leaf extract is a powerful antioxidant, it fights off these chemicals and prevents DNA damage.


Not only that, but olive leaf extract has also been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer once it develops. In this study, oleuropein inhibited cell growth of breast, bladder, and blood vessel cancers. However, more research is needed before we can say anything definitive about the extract and cancer.


Helps with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s


Both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s develop partly due to loss of neurons in certain parts of the brain. The antioxidant properties of olive leaf extract have been shown to reduce this damage and protect the brain from both the diseases.


Olive leaf extract strengthens your immune system 


In addition to antioxidant properties, oleuropein has antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties too.


This means it could help you fight off infections well. Lab testing has shown the extract could fight off herpes, rotavirus, mononucleosis, influenza virus, and HIV. 


Anecdotal evidence tells us a few drops of the extract can treat herpetic sores; however, scientific evidence is still needed in this regard. 



How to use olive leaf extract?


Olive leaf extract is usually taken in the form of a supplement.


Adequate quantities of oleuropein are difficult to obtain from diet alone. That’s why we’ve prepared Heart Health with high-quality oleuropein olive leaf extract for optimal nutrition.


Currently, there is no recommended dose for olive leaf extract supplements, and a daily dose of 500 to 1000 mg is considered safe.


Starting out with a low dose and titrating it according to your tolerance is a good idea for beginners.



What are the side effects of olive leaf extract?


Side effects of olive leaf extract supplements are rare and include hypotension (low blood pressure), hypoglycemia, allergic reactions, vertigo, coughing, and interactions with other medicines.


If you’re healthy, you don’t need to worry about the side effects. But if you’re allergic to pollen (produced by the olive tree) or take medications for lowering your blood pressure and/or glucose, consider consulting your doctor before taking an olive leaf extract supplement. 

Olive leaf extract has proven health benefits


To summarize, research has shown that the active ingredient of olive leaf extract — oleuropein — has numerous health benefits, including protection from heart disease, cancer, infections, and brain conditions.


The amount of oleuropein in a normal diet is insufficient, which is why taking supplements — like Heart Health — can give you a healthier body!


These supplements are generally safe, and unless you have a significant medical condition, you don’t need to consult a doctor before starting them!

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